¡Subido el capítulo 3! - Chapter 3 up!

Encontrar alojamiento en Tokyo parece misión imposible, pero Kumiko es una mujer de recursos, y se lleva a Yoko y Saki al almacén de Omo-san, la fábrica de juguetes donde pasó su infancia. Además de juguetero, Omo-san es un experto heladero, e incluso director de orquesta aficionado. Aparte de darles alojamiento en el desván de la fábrica, Omo-san enseña a Yoko y Saki su particular "sinfonía del helado". ¿Qué es eso? ¡La respuesta en el capítulo 3!
Torrent para el capítulo dual español.
Finding lodging in Tokyo seems an impossible task, but Kumiko is a resourceful woman, and takes Yoko and Saki to Omo-san´s warehouse, where she spent her childhood. Besides a toy maker, Omo-san is an expert at making ice-creams, and even occasionally an orchestra director. He does not only gives Yoko and Saki lodging, but teaches them his particular "ice-cream symphony". What´s that you say? The answer in chapter 3!
Torrent for the english subtitled version
Oh my, this is one of the first anime I've ever watched. Not too big on the whole girl-trying-to-be-an-idol though.
There´s quite more than that, my friend. This is a very unique and imaginative series, give it a try!
Have you thought about doing karaoke effects for the OP/ED? Since you are doing hardsubs anyway it shouldn't be a problem. Also yellow/black subs are disliked in general...
I lack the technical knowledge to do karaoke effects, but I intend to include translations of the songs as soon as someone is nice enough to help me with the language.
Regarding the subtitles color, I think yellow makes good contrast with the picture, and I´ve seen it in many releases. Anyway, I´d like to hear suggestions. White, maybe?
I watched the whole of this anime tv series when I was still a student long time ago. I would like to see what I could help. Is there a IRC channel somewhere or there will have one very soon?
I don´t have a channel, actually, though if someone wants to help with it, he/she would be very welcome.
the english version of ep3 and ep5 needs seeds some1 help us leechers a bit
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